Wednesday 6 July 2016

Make your plans for DrupalCon Vienna

Amazee Labs
DrupalEvents ManagementCommunityEmployer Branding

DrupalCon Vienna is approaching quickly and if you haven’t done so far, it’s a good time to book your travels and accommodation. Even for an insider it is hard to keep track of everything that is going on, so in this post I would like to share an overview of what’s planned so far to keep in mind when planning your stay in Vienna. Until Sunday, 24 September - Cyclists will be gathering again on the way to DrupalCon as part of Tour de Drupal Vienna. The Danube river allows for scenic flat rides from the west (Germany - Linz - Krems - Tulln - Vienna) or east (Budapest - Bratislava - Vienna). On Sunday 11am we will be meeting at the webshapers office in Tulln and in the afternoon cycle the last 40 kilometres together along the Donau to reach the Riesenrad in Vienna at 6pm. Join the conversation on g.d.o to get all the details.

Tour de Drupal Amsterdam 2014 from SchnitzelCopter on Vimeo. Monday, 25 September - Drupal Austria together with the global Drupal Community are organizing summits and trainings. Those who have been to the DrupalCamps in 2013 or 2015 will remember FH Technikum Wien being supporter and host of these community organized activities. In terms of summits, we are planning for a great variety: Community Summit, Publishing Summit, Business Summit, Open Social Summit. On the trainings side we are currently planning for a Docker workshop and a Drupal 8 module development course. Finally, there will be room for sprints thanks to sponsorship from Acquia. Here’s some more information about the Monday program.

Tuesday, 26 September - The day kicks off the official DrupalCon program with the keynote by Dries Buytaert, Drupal Project Founder and will start 3 days of sessions, BoFs and social events. In the evening there will be the Open Minds Award (a regional open source award) and a ball celebrating Open Source as the official community party.

Wednesday, 27 September - Together with the keynote, other sessions and BoFs, there will also be the Drupal Association Public Board Meeting as well as the Women in Drupal social event, as well as a CEO Dinner and a CXO Dinner.

Thursday, 28 September - So far confirmed is that there will be Drupal Trivia Night. More details to follow as soon as it’s available.

Friday, 29 September - This is the last day of the conference and it’s all about Sprints: Join the community to learn how you can contribute to Drupal.

This sums up the main activities planned so far for DrupalCon Vienna. Alongside of the official important dates, hopefully this helps you to plan and organise your visit. Speaking from my own experience, DrupalCon with thousands of community members attending is a very special event: basically a week full of events. The above is only what we are aware of so far, you can be sure that various other individual events will be organized along the way. Apart from the conference, Vienna has a lot to offer. If your schedule permits, I would definitely recommend adding a few days to explore the city. Some suggestions and ideas can be found on the official DrupalCon Vienna travels page. See you in Vienna.

Make your plans for DrupalCon Vienna
Make your plans for DrupalCon Vienna
Make your plans for DrupalCon Vienna
Make your plans for DrupalCon Vienna
Make your plans for DrupalCon Vienna
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