Tuesday 10 April 2018

The Camp Organizer Survival Guide - talk at DrupalCon Nashville 2018

DrupalCon Nashville 2018
Events ManagementDrupalPresentation

So you want to start a Drupal Camp. Great! What next? Join me as a Drupal Camp organizer sharing my experience planning events. In this session you can get hands-on knowledge to kickstart your ideas and avoid common pitfalls. You’ll also leave with some templates to help get you started. Running a Drupal camp can be incredibly rewarding. With your help as camp organizer, anywhere from a dozen to hundreds of Drupalers will come together to share, learn, and grow. Attendees interested in making a difference in the Drupal community by organizing events of their own will walk away with their very own Drupal Camp toolkit including:

  • The importance of pre-planning
  • Building your team, including Roles & Responsibilities
  • Scoping the camp, creating a vision and identity
  • Securing the venue
  • Building and following a budget
  • Planning major milestones
  • Getting sponsors and keeping them happy
  • Launching a camp website
  • Navigating social media
  • Selling tickets and onsite registration
  • Organizing and managing the call for sessions
  • Building a solid program, including session scheduling
  • Managing venue logistics (rooms, catering, power, wi-fi)
  • Signage, swag, and giveaways
  • Session recording
  • Accessibility and inclusivity

About the presenter: Josef has helped organize multiple camps in Europe and Central America.

For those attending who already have experience organizing camps, there is also a community conversation on organizing camps the same day, Wednesday 12:35-13:00.